Sharyn Tanner
I began my career with Healthcare in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the IWK Healthcentre in 2006 as a casual unit Aide. Within 2 months, I secured a temporary position with the Gynecological OR which later granted me permanent status. From there I gained experience working in the Emergency Department, Inpatient Units, Clinics, and the Pediatric OR before I moved to the MDRD.
All of my past positions awarded me an insite into the needs of the clients we, as MDR Technicians, serve.
Throughout my career I believed in continuing education and I put that into practice by achieving my CSTT, and later, certification. Then I achieved my CER and most recently, CS Leadership.
In 2021 I transferred from the IWK to NS Health when I accepted a temporary position as Provincial MDR Educator and at the end of that term I began my current role as part of the MDR team in Northern Zone.
Prior to my work with Healthcare, for several years, I worked as a Credit Manager for a wholesale distributor in Ontario and a local magazine in Newfoundland. As well, I fulfilled the role as treasurer for my church.
On a personal note, I am the mother of 3 grown children, 2 step-children and 1 step-grandchild. I spend my time caring for my husband and 2 adorable Beagle pups who can sometimes make for a very busy household.